Water for the poor in Africa: A starting point for my dream. I've simplified my life because I have a dream of making a difference in the world. In the past few years I've helped the homeless, helped provide a Christmas for a family with mom and dad out of work, helped some other people who lost their jobs, and a number of other things. I don't say this as a boast but as an indicator or a starting point that's all.
I am blessed to live in one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. I have a job. I have insurance. I have plenty to eat...too much actually. I have a a car. I have a family that loves me and a roof over my head. I live in relative peace. I also have a faith in God that says I have been blessed so that I can be a blessing.
I have a desire now to make a difference in Africa. But I don't want to be a one note solution. Hey we'll drill a well here then move on.
What if we dug a water well in an African village this year. Next year we come back and put in some solar panels so they could use LED lights in the village to study by or get a few more work hours in that could make a real difference in their lives. Then what if we built a clinic and followed up with a school. In essence building some infrastructure where there is a chance for education, improved health and maybe even the development of commerce.
Then what if we also started in the next village down the road, doing the same thing. Then another nearby village and another.
We could develop an oasis that is free from going from one crisis to another maybe and we could develop an economy between those villages that could then begin to benefit others as well. Then real wealth could be created that is in the hands of the local people.
I don't know -but this is part of my dream. That starts with my first project - a water well. I just feel that it is important to start there. Where? I don't know yet. Maybe somewhere in Kenya. I've got to do some research. But my first goal is to be able to have $5000 for the first well by my birthday next year.
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