Michael Pritchard has invented a relatively low cost water filtration system to render polluted water safe to drink. The smallest virus is approximately twenty-five nanometers across. The filter for the Lifesaver bottle filters down to fifteen nanometers, meaning viruses and bacteria can't get through. Per Michael, his Jerry Cans which use the same technology can provide safe drinking water for a family of four for three years at a cost of about a half a cent per day. He makes an excellent point. Instead of shipping in bottles of water in disasters, where there is water (though not safe) available, it would be more beneficial to distribute these lifesaver bottles. Each basic lifesaver bottle can purify approximately 4000iters, that's about 1000 gallons.
Check out Mr. Pritchard's TED talk:
Is there any warranty to this lifesaver bottle? I wonder where it takes the purified substances or those particles taken away during purification? Is this similar to a filter press? It brings me so much questions as my interest on this one lingers more and more. Sorry about that.